Adam Turl Curriculum Vitae
Adam Turl 618-713-8132
(2020-present) PhD student and candidate, Southern Illinois University (SIU), Carbondale, IL
(2016) MFA, Sam Fox School/Washington University, St. Louis, MO
(2014) BFA, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL
(2020-present) Graduate assistant, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL. Classes assisted: Media and Society (Sociology of Media), New Media Then (Theory Survey on Media History), History of African American Cinema, Werner Herzog, Social Class in Cinema (co-taught with Dr. Michael Phillips), History in Cinema (co-taught with Dr. Michael Phillips), Science Fiction and Television (co-taught with Dr. Michael Phillips).
(2017-2020) Instructor, University of Nevada - Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV. Classes taught: Drawing I, Drawing II, Life/Figure Drawing, 2D Design, 3D Design. Area committees: drawing area, graduate faculty
(2017) Instructor, Lindenwood University, St. Charles, MO. Classes taught: Painting I
(2016-2017) Art critic, West End Word, St. Louis, MO
(2014-2016) Teaching assistant, Sam Fox School/Washington University, St. Louis, MO. Classes assisted: 2D Design, Introduction to Drawing, Pictures for Communication, Painting Seminar: Place and Space
(2000-2009) Graphic designer and typesetter for Haymarket Books, Chicago, IL
(1997-1998) Gallery assistant, Beret International Gallery, Chicago, IL
(2016) Cité International des Arts Residency and Fellowship (Paris, France)
(2014-2016) Sam Fox School of Art/Washington University Scholarship
(2015) Sam Fox School of Art/Washington University Travel Grant
(2013) Windgate Charitable Foundation Educational Opportunity Scholarship
(2013) Windgate Charitable Foundation Undergraduate Research Grant
(2022-present) Born Again Labor Museum (ongoing installation, social practice, community project, with Tish Turl)
(2018) The Barista Who Disappeared, Artspace 304, Carbondale, IL (June 2018)
(2018) Revolt of the Swivel Chairs, The Cube Gallery, Las Vegas, NV (March 2018)
(2015) Kick the Cat, Project 1612, Peoria, IL (October 2015)
(2015) 13 Baristas, Brett Wesley Gallery, Las Vegas, NV (September/October 2015)
(2014) New Deal Art Now: A Reframing of the Artifacts of Diversity, SIU University Museum, Carbondale, IL
(2020) The SWARM Show, collaborative installation with Anupam Roy, Tish Markley, and Laura Fair Schulz, to be installed at the Historical Materialism conference, University of Quebec, Montreal, QC (cancelled/postponed indefinitely due to Covid 19, originally scheduled for May, 2020)
(2020) The New Culture, curated by Olga Townsend, Nancy Good and Jorge Lara, Core Contemporary Gallery, Las Vegas, NV (cancelled/postponed indefinitely due to Covid 19, originally scheduled March 2020)
(2017) Exposure 19: Jumbled Time, curated by Terry Shure, exhibit with Stan Chisholm and Lizzy Martinez, Gallery 210, St. Louis, MO
(2016) The Hard Times Art Show part II, curated by Adam Turl and Omnia Sol, with the artists Holly McGraw, Omnia Sol, Anna Maria Tucker, Husni Ashiku, Jason Wonnell, Dollar Art House, St. Louis, MO
(1998) Painting and Sculpture, Beret International Gallery, Chicago, IL (January 1998)
Lincoln Land Community College Writing Center, Springfield, IL: Benito Cereno
Parkview Collection at Indiana Tech Law School, Fort Wayne, IN: Plantation Painting 2 and 3
(2025) The Certainty of Math #3, mixed media painting/collage, cover of Adam Turl’s Gothic Capitalism: Art Evicted from Heaven and Earth (Revol Press, 2025)
(2022) Arrhythm Nation (BALM), mixed-media painting/collage, cover of Alexander Billet’s Shake the City (1968 Press, 2022).
(2022) Born Again Labor Tract: The Wages of Capital is Death, mixed-media painting/collage, cover of Locust Review #8 (2022).
(2019) Ares Coffee Riot (Red Mars), mixed-media painting, in Marc Léger’s Vanguardia: Socially Engaged Art and Theory, Manchester University Press (March 1, 2019)
(2018) The Barista Who Could See the Future, photograph of painting and installation, cover of Red Wedge Magazine 5 (Spring 2018)
(2017) I Heart Communist Space Pirates, painting, cover of December magazine volume 28.2 (Fall/Winter 2017)
(2017) Various works in Terry Suhre, Exposure 19: Jumbled Time, show catalog, interview round table with Adam Turl, Stan Chisholm and Lizzy Martinez, Gallery 210, University of Missouri - St. Louis
(2014) The Wind Has Erased the North Star, cover-art for Octavio Quintanilla’s If I Go Missing, Slough Press (February 2014)
(2025) Mike Watson and Bram E. Gieben interview Adam Turl and Terry Tapp, “What is to be done in the USA?,” Theorize and Be Damned Episode #9 (February 19, 2025)
(2024) Wayne Heimbach interviews Adam Turl and TIsh Turl, “Art. Politics. Carbondale.,” Facing Reality 4 Social Justice Ep. 25 (November 21, 2024)
(2024) Alexander Billlet interviews Adam Turl and Tish Turl, audio, “Dead + Born Again Labor,” Locust Radio Ep. 25 (August 16, 2024)
(2024) Alexander Billet interviews Adam Turl and Tish Turl, edited and abridged transcript, “Everyplace has lost souls,” Substack (August 14, 2024).
(2024) Mike Watson and Bram Gieban interview Adam Turl, “Adam Turl: Gothic Futurism, Activism and Art,” Theorize and Be Damned/Acid Left (July 12, 2024)
(2022) Anupam Roy, Tish Turl, Adam Turl (roundtable), “Constructing Counter-Imaginaries,” Imago #2 (May 2023), 55-68
(2022) C. Derick Varn, "Adam Turl and Tish Turl on the Born Again Labor Museum, Radicalism, and Art,” Varn Vlog (December 2, 2022)
(2022) Frances Madeson, “At the Born Again Labor Museum, art is a weapon for the working-class,” The Real News Network (October 13, 2022)
(2022) Nick Shillingford, “SNV Special Interview: Born Again Labor Museum (BALM) Now Open!” Socialist News and Views (April 28, 2022)
(2022) Alex McIntyre, “Irrealism, Imagination, Intervention: The Locust Review in Their Words and Mine,” Cooper Point Journal (March 30, 2022), 12-13
(2022) Anna Casey (producer), “Museum examines workers’ rights through art,” 21st Show (February 7, 2022)
(2022) Kallie Cox, “Born Again Labor Museum offers free Communist Manifestos,” The Southern Illinoisan (February 1, 2022)
(2022) Makayla Holder, “Solidarity doesn’t mean everyone is the same: Locust Review showcases working-class stories,” The Southern Illinoisan (January 13, 2022)
(2021) Kallie Cox, “Born Again Labor Museum in Carbondale showcases stories, struggles of working class,” The Southern Illinoisan (December 27, 2021)
(2021) “Breaking the Spell of Capitalist Realism with Locust Review,” interview with Adam Ray Adkins, Acid Left Podcast (October, 2021)
(2021) Sebastian Schuller, “Durch die Maschinen! Umfunktionierung des kapitalistischen Realismus als Strategie linker Erzählungen im 21. Jahrhundert,” Undercurrents 16 (2021).
(2020) “Tish Markley and Adam Turl Bring Their Art To Core Contemporary March 25th,” Vim Magazine (March 5, 2020)
(2018) Craig Wilson, “Adam Turl presents The Barista Who Disappeared,” Carbondale Nightlife (June 21, 2018), 8.
(2018) Leslie Ventura, “A flat dimension comes alive in ‘The Revolt of the Swivel Chairs,’” Las Vegas Weekly (March 23, 2018)
(2016) James Diaz, “Interview with Artist Adam Turl,” Anti-Heroin Chic (October 6, 2016)
(2016) Liam Otten, “Red Mars and the Fictional Artist,” The Source (June 29, 2016)
(2016) Project 1612, “Post-1612 with Adam Turl” (interview), Post-1612 (May 5, 2016)
(2015) Dawn-Michelle Baude, “Concrete Messages from Fictional Artists” Las Vegas Weekly (September 16, 2015)
(2015) Jenessa Kenway, “13 Baristas Pours It on Hot and Heavy,” Vegas Seven (Sept. 1, 2015)
(2025) Gothic Capitalism: Art Evicted from Heaven and Earth (Revol Press, 2025)
(2023) “Commune vs. Cathedral vs. Bazaar,” Imago #2 (May 2023), 40-54
(2023) Roundtable with Tish Turl, Anupam Roy, and Adam Turl, “Constructing Counter-Imaginaries,” Imago #2 (May 2023), 55-68
(2021) “Rest of Us,” review of Richard Hamilton’s Rest of Us, Locust Review #6 (October, 2021), 9-10
(2021) “Their Weird vs. Ours: Critical Irrealism and Fascist Occultism,” Imago #1 (August, 2021), 34-49
(2019) “On Howard Barry: Against Apocalyptic Time,” in Howard Barry Inertia, show catalog, (Gallery 210, St. Louis: University of Missouri, September, 2019)
(2018) “The Work of Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction,” Red Wedge 6 (Fall 2018), 43-69
(2016) “All is Concealed,” review of Kelley Walker’s Direct Drive, West End Word (October 5, 2016)
(2016) “The World’s Revenge,” introduction to the 2016 MFA Show Catalog, Kemper Museum, Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts (St. Louis: Washington University, Summer 2016)
(2022) “Against Purgatory,” (February 23, 2022)
(2020) “The Urgency of Anti-Fascism,” (October 1, 2020)
(2020) “A Worker Reads Graphic Novels,” (January 2020)
(2019) “Erasing Arnautoff,” (July, 2019)
(2019) “We Are All Outsider Artists Now,” (May 2019)
(2019) “Outsider Art is a Lie,” (February, 2019)
(2018) “No More Art Districts,” (December, 2018)
(2017) “Welcome to the Last Days,” review of China Miéville’s Last Days of New Paris, (January 30, 2017)
(2016) “The Democratic Image,” (April, 2016)
(2016) Against the Weak Avant-Garde,” (April, 2016)
(2015) “The Art Space as Epic Theater,” (April 26, 2015) “Interrupting Disbelief: Narrative Conceptualism,”
(2014) “Entartete Kunst: Degenerate Art and Nazi Germany,” (September 2, 2014)
(2014) “A Thousand Lost Worlds: Notes on Gothic Marxism,” (June 24, 2014, reposted in 2015)
(2020) “Free World Spectre,” interview with artist Adam Ray Adkins, Locust Review (Fall, 2020), insert
(2020) “Between the Lines,” interview with artist Johnny Hammond, Locust Review (Spring, 2020), 14-15
(2020) “Library Science and Celebrity Cheeses,” interview with author Mark Miller, Locust Review (Spring, 2020), 22-24
(2019) “Broken Cogs in the Machine,” interview with artist Anupam Roy, (May 7, 2019)
(2016) “Movies in a Rust Belt River Town,” interview with Consumer Grade Film Collective, (September 15, 2016)
(2014) “Art (as Social Organism) vs. Gentrification,” interview with censored Chicago artist Amie Sell, (old site) (September 2, 2014)
(2014) A People’s Art History of the United States,” interview with artist and author Nicolas Lampert on his book, A People’s Art History of the United States, (old site) (June 1, 2014)
(2022) “Figures of Brokenness” panel discussion (online) with Shivangi Mariam Raj, Pinak Banik and Adam Turl in conjunction with Anupam Roy’s exhibition, “Broken Cogs in the Machine,” Vadehra Art Gallery, Foundation for Contemporary Indian Art (July 28, 2020)
(2022) “The Poverty of Theory,” Historical Materialism London (November, 2022)
(2021) “Toward a Brechtian Cybernetics,” Historical Materialism Online (November, 2021)
(2020) “Their Weird and Ours: Critical Irrealism vs. Fascist Occultism,” Historical Materialism Online (November, 2020).
(2019) “Born Again Labor Museum,” Historical Materialism London, London, UK (November, 2019)
(2019) “Class, Outsider/Folk Art and the Weak Avant-Garde,” Historical Materialism New York, NY, (April 13, 2019)
(2018) “The Work of Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction,” Historical Materialism London, SOAS University of London, London, UK (November, 2018).
(2018) “Gentrification and the Weak Avant-Garde,” Left Coast Forum, Los Angeles Trade Technical College, Los Angeles, CA (August 26, 2018)
(2018) “Evicted Art: Totality and Cognitive Mapping,” Historical Materialism Montreal, University of Quebec-Montreal, Montreal, QC (May 17, 2018)
(2017) “Fascist, Neoliberal and Socialist Aesthetic Leveling,” Historical Materialism London, SOAS University of London, London, UK (November 10, 2017)
(2016) “The Democratic Image: Aesthetic Leveling and Differentiated Totality,” Historical Materialism London, SOAS University of London, London, UK (Nov. 12, 2016)
(2016) “Against the Weak Avant-Garde,” Historical Materialism Toronto, York University, Toronto, ON (May 15, 2016)
(2015) “For Art as Epic Theater,” artist lecture at Brett Wesley Gallery, Las Vegas, NV (October 8, 2015) and Project 1612, Peoria, IL (October 25, 2015).
(2014) “Angel of History,” as part of “The Many Deaths of Art,” panel discussion at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC), sponsored by SAIC Student Government and Platypus Affiliated Society, featuring Benji Gerdes, Ruslana Lichtzier and Adam Turl (2014).
(2013) “Ernst Fischer and the Necessity of Art,” presented at the Socialism 2013 conference in Chicago (Center for Economic Research and Social Change) (2013).
(2020-present) Co-host, Locust Radio podcast
(2019-present) Editor, Locust Review
(2019-present) Locust Arts and Letters Collective
(2019-2020) Chair, Agit-Prop Sub-Committee, Las Vegas Democratic Socialists of America
(2018-2020) Art and design editor, and Red Wedge Magazine
(2016-2018) Co-chief-editor, and Red Wedge Magazine
(2013-2020) Editorial collective, and Red Wedge Magazine