This page contains some of the artifacts discovered or recreated by BALM in 2019 and 2020.
These are on display or in storage at the secret Nevada BALM facility.
Class Stelae Acrylic, stickers, ink, Sharpie, collage, glitter, cotton and ash, nails and screws, on wood (2020)
Dreams Cum Tru Acrylic, Sharpie, ink, collage, stickers, mixed media, commemorative Star Trek collector’s plate, cotton and ash on thrift store painting with Burlington Northern hard hat, table, clipboard, paper (2019)
Hanged Books (2018-Ongoing)
Wounded Tribune acrylic, coffee, glitter, stickers, Sharpie, collage, ink, cotton and ash on wood (2019)
Marks of Capital acrylic, coffee, glitter, stickers, Sharpie, collage, ink, cotton and ash on wood (2019)
Abby Works @ Arby’s + Jenny was a Pirate ink, paint, mixed-media on Star Wars coloring book pages (2019)
Linda Copbane + Mr. Week Handit acrylic, coffee, glitter, stickers, Sharpie, collage, ink, cotton and ash on wood (2019)
Isabel Work @ In-n-Out drawing/painting on placemat (2019)