Locust Review is published four times per year as a collaborative project between the Critical Irrealist Group (CIG), the Locust Arts and Letters Collective (LALC) and the Born Again Labor Museum (BALM). Locust, like BALM, is part of a quixotic attempt to map, explore, expand, and preserve the gravediggers’ multiverse. Locust is edited by Alexander Billet, Holly Lewis, Mike Linaweaver, Tish Markley, Anupam Roy and Adam Turl.

A reader in Nebraska poses with their copy of Locust #2

Cover for Locust #2 (BALM Design Division)

Photo-shoot in the BALM facility for the cover of Locust #2

Tara the Cyber-Locust Don’t Care (BALM Design Division)

Tish Markley reading Locust #1

SUBMIT (BALM Design Division)

Cover for Locust #1 (BALM Design Division)

Working on the mailing of Locust #1

Russia Bot (BALM Design Division)

Announcing Locust #2 (BALM Design Division)

Fluffer Hooligan reading their copy of Locust #2

Silence is Literally Golden (BALM Design Division)

Adam Turl reading Locust #1

Healing Properties (BALM Design Division)

Working on the mailing of Locust #2.

The Hard Reset of Walter Crane (BALM Design Division)

Readers in southern Illinois with their copies of Locust #2

Subscribe (BALM Design Division)

Mike Linaweaver reading Locust #2 in the bathtub

Gametes (BALM Design Division)
